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Make the most of your book investment!

Most first-time authors feel a little nervous about investing in their book. We get it! That's why we created our free guide to maximizing your book's ROI.

Crunch the numbers on your book investment (even if you're not a fan of math!)

"I've heard that publishing a book is super expensive..."

As someone known for helping first-time authors write and publish books, I hear this sentiment a lot.

I get it. The numbers can be intimidating.

But here's the thing: for a lot of aspiring authors, it's not the numbers themselves that stop them in their tracks.

It's the uncertainty.

If you don't know how the process is going to play out, you can't create a budget. And if you can't create a budget, you can't set concrete goals for earning that money back.

That's why we created this guide.

What if your book paid for itself?

It can!
This guide will show you how.

Enter your name and email below to get your copy!